SO Hengvotey

Former Research Assistant

Votey graduated her bachelor of Economic Science major in Development Economic since 2016 at Norton University. She has worked in CDRI for almost four years at the Centre of Governance and Inclusive Society and mainly supporting to the Ponlork program. In this program, she has been co-authoring in several research paper which also enhance her critical skill. Besides that, she also joined in the collaborative research project with other research center in the area of gender and inclusive analysis, and the skill for industry project. Currently, she has appointed to coordinate the Refashion Project or the “Social Protection and Gendered Impact of COVID-19 in Cambodia “that study on the impact of COVID 19 on women garment worker in Cambodia.She is responsible to manage with the data collection and quality management, and produce research paper. In this project, she has engaged closely with the gender expert at the Royal Holloway University and University of Nottingham who are the team leaders. Within the notify researches involve and passion, Votey has continue build her research interest specific on the Economic and Public Policy.

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SO Hengvotey

International Publications

Drawing on 203 quantitative surveys with women workers in Cambodia and a further set of semi-structured interviews with 60 original participants, this paper is one of the very first to present empirically grounded research from garment workers on the financial challenges of navigating the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We show how in the maki...

Working Papers 116

Youth make up one-third of the Cambodian population. This generation was born after the Khmer Rouge years and has grown up with the idea of regular competitive elections in a multi-party system. The youth cohort forms an increasingly significant proportion of the national electorate. This report analyses the results from a nationally representa...

Over the past two decades, Cambodia has made significant economic progress, with growth being over 7%. The opportunity exists to underpin this progress towards an inclusive and equitable social contract by strengthening social capital, expanding trust among social groups and between groups and the government, establishing and improving access to pa...

COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruption of the global garment industry such as manufacturing shutdowns, consumer lockdowns, order cancellation of suppliers, and lack of raw materials. However, social protection in Cambodia remains limited coverage to address livelihoods as a result of factory suspension and layoffs.This study focuses on unde...

This study aims to fill this gap in research by conducting a Gender and Inclusive Development Analysis (GIDA) combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The GIDA is intended to inform USAID’s work plans regarding the Cambodia Country Development Strategy (CDCS) for 2020-2025 by providing a rationale, data and recommendations of which gender...

A five-year project called ‘Education Research for Effective Policy Reforms’ with a total funding of USD446,713 aims to produce independent, objective, high quality policy-relevant higher education research, and to maximise the accessibility of this knowledge to policymakers, influencers and stakeholders, and its policy impact. This project also wo...