Distinguished Fellows
Minister Delegate Attached to the Prime Minister
Professor Ryerson University
Research Advisory Team
Assistant Professor University of California, Los Angeles
Associate Dean University of Notre Dame
Professor University of Gothenburg
Professor Applied Economics University of Cagliari, Italy London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Professor of Human Geography Royal Holloway, University of London
Senior Research Fellow East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
Associate Dean and Professor Faculty of Education, Western University
Professor and Coordinator Shenzhen Polytechnic People’s Republic of China, UNESCO-UNEVOC
Director and Associate Professor Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC), the University of Hong Kong
Professor of Political Science Northern Illinois University
Honorary Professorial Fellow Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne
Former Senior Education Specialist Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) - Cambodia
Professor and Department Chair Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University
Senior Advisors
Senior Project Advisor
Visiting Fellows
Professor Business Information Studies, Hannan University
Professor Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University
Professor Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University
Postdoctoral Associate Yale University
PhD Candidate Duke University
PhD Student and JSPS Fellow Kobe University
Visiting Fellow
Assistant Professor Global Career Design Centre, Hiroshima University