SAM Sreymom
Former Research Associate
Email : NA

Using primary and secondary data sources, this study synthesises existing knowledge on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches in Cambodia. It identifies critical challenges and suggests ways to optimise the benefits of CBNRM in the context of climate change. Selected CBNRM initiatives include farmer water user communitie...

This handbook is designed for small farmers and local smallholders. Using understandable terms and clear, attractive pictures, it sets out some of the best farming practices for enhancing adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change. It explains:How climate change and human activities affect water resources and local livelihoods;What can be d...

This book is the major output of a three-year research project, “Climate Change and Water Governance in Cambodia”, implemented by seven partner institutions with financial support from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in three subcatchments of the Tonle Sap Basin. The findings confirm that changes in the climate are affecti...

Agriculture plays an important role in sustaining rural livelihoods. Eighty-three percent of rural people are engaged in agriculture (NIS and MAFF 2014). An emerging problem facing agriculture is climate change. The anticipated impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture include changes in rainfall patterns, higher temperatures, in...

Cambodia is divided into four agro-ecological zones—the Tonle Sap plain, Mekong plain, mountains/plateau and coast—representing heterogeneous agricultural activity, population and livelihood systems (UNDP 2011b). Climate change impacts and the adaptive capacity of the people differ from one zone to another. Adaptation measures have varied according...