BUNNATH Zoe Sidana
Research Assistant (On Study Leave)
BUNNATH Zoe Sidana graduated from the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2021 with two Bachelor’s degrees. One is Development Studies in Natural Resources Management and Development, and the other is Professional Communication in English. Prior to joining CDRI, Zoe has been involved in various projects relating to conservation and research with local and international NGOs.
Email : zoesidana.bunnath@cdri.org.kh

Cambodia has made notable paces in reducing poverty and advancing human development. However, a significant portion of the population remains susceptible to poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition, and various shocks. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, coupled with the global food and fuel crisis and recent climate-related events, has exacerbate...

Migration forces rural people to find more and better jobs, which is key in generating incomes to sustain livelihoods and ensure food security in times of environmental change. In addition to agricultural production, climate change affects health, water, and energy resources and causes migration and conflict. The impacts of climate change on me...

Water is central for a variety of livelihoods, development, economic growth, and food production. It is also very important in the large deltas of South and Southeast Asia. Yet, water is turning into a scare resource and global climate change is making its availability more unpredictable. Commercial interests and infrastructure development are also...

Cambodia’s susceptibility to climate change is heightened by its limited ability to adapt. Women experience more pronounced consequences from climate change than men. As Cambodia strives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 amidst mounting climate uncertainties, it becomes crucial to examine the effects of this transition on women’s livelihoods and...

Green SMEs are small and medium-sized enterprises that operate environmentally and sustainably. In Cambodia, MSMEs (Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) are the backbone of the economy and constitute more than 90 percent of firms in Cambodia. In 2018, MSMEs created over 70 percent of employment opportunities and more than 50 percent of the a...

The Mekong Thought Leadership and Think Tanks Network Program will address the challenges related to water and energy in the context of climate change impacting the most vulnerable and marginalised in society in Mekong countries. This will be achieved through evidence-based research and analysis, engagement with regional, national, and local policy...

The Asian Mega Deltas (AMD) program is one of the new OneCG initiatives that commenced in April 2022 and will run till at least 31 December 2024 (Phase 1). The One CG involves closer working modalities amongst the numerous CG Centers to provide more coordinated and integrated support to governments and civil society in pursuing more productive, div...

CDRI research team works together with national universities, governmental institutions and NGO/CSOs in both Cambodia and Lao PDR to develop a research proposal applying for EXPLORE Research grant on forest landscape governance. The proposed research title is “Co-adaptive forest management through climate-smart technology and communal social capit...

This study hypothesizes that the reason for Cambodia’s moving toward a more fossil fuel-based energy could be due to the misperceptions or underestimated co-benefits of renewable energy in relation to the associated costs. If the support for renewable energy depends on the framing, then public support for renewable energy from both policy makers an...