UNG Uy Lim
Former Research Assistant
Uy Lim started her career at CDRI at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) as an intern in 2021. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language with Honors from Institute of Foreign Language (IFL), Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Her research interests revolve around education curriculum in Cambodia and the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) in teaching and learning.
Email : uylim@cdri.org.kh

The purposes of this study are to explore learning pathways when students transit from high school to higher education among Cambodian students and examine the probable causes behind their decision to switch academic majors. The study found that about half of surveyed students switched their academic majors. Virtually all the switchers are science-...

This is a part of the Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education (SHARE), a five-year cooperative agreement with the University of Notre Dame (UND) supported by the USAID’s new Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation/Center for Education (DDI/EDU), to advance global education learning priorities to improve learning outcomes....