Research Assistant (On Study Leave)
Jenny is a research assistant at the center for policy research in agriculture and rural development. She obtained her bachelor's degree from Institute for International Studies and Public Policy, at Royal University of Phnom Penh, majoring in International Relations. Prior to joining CDRI, she had extensive experience in project implementation and communication at various well-established organization. Her research interest revolves around public policy, community development and agri-innovation.
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This two-year project builds upon previous PRCI initiatives in Southeast Asia, addressing the urgent need for advanced economic policy analysis skills in the Mekong subregion's agri-food system, which includes Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The project aims to bridge the expertise gap identified by regional partners and boost research capac...

Assessment Studies on The Economic Costs of an Integrated School Gardening in School Feeding Program
Recognize the important of improving the nutrition and education of children, Cambodia government is implementing school feeding program collaboratively with local and international NGOs. The implementation of this program will improve food security, education, health and nutrition, local economy and agriculture, partnership and coordination across...

Chilies are one of the most important and widely consumed spices in Cambodia, as well as a source of income for many smallholder farmers. However, chilies production faces several challenges, such as low productivity, high input costs, pest and disease outbreaks, lack of quality seeds and planting materials, poor post-harvest handling and marketing...

To address urgent concerns on climate change, the CGIAR, together with its centres and development partners, is officially launching the Securing the Food Systems of Asian Mega-Deltas for Climate and Livelihood Resilience (AMD). The initiative aims to create resilient, inclusive, and productive deltas by removing systemic barriers to the scaling of...

Research on Main Innovation Model in Agriculture And Rural Development is a regional study that aims to review recent innovation models in agriculture and rural development with lessons learned for future policy improvement.

IT for Change, Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and country partners are preparing a project on “Digital Economic Integration of MSMEs in the Global South”, focusing on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, MSMEs of low-income populations have faced abrupt economic downturn in which the global consensus ev...

The World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Chief Economist Office is preparing a regional flagship report on childcare. The report is exploring how childcare availability can promote equity and growth objectives and how childcare can be designed to balance the dual objectives of promoting children’s development and mothers’ labour force participation....

To improve undernutrition challenge, a five-year The Cambodia Nutrition Project (CNP) was formulated with The MOH and the National Committee for Sub-national Democratic Development (NCDDS) of the Ministry of Interior are the implementing agencies. The project brings together global evidence on effective interventions with Cambodia’s priorities to d...

More than 60 percent of Cambodia farmers grow rice, also, rice farmers mostly are smallholder suffering from low productivity, inadequate infrastructure, and vulnerability to flooding and drought. Remote smallholders might not benefit from existing irrigation system. Supported by IFAD-NARDT, the study is policy relevant which will provide evident...

To design, administer, and disseminate the results of an impact evaluation of community-based day-cares for the children of garment factory workers (CBCC) in Kampong Speu Province, Kandal Province, and other areas. To design a rigorous program evaluation that answers pre-specified research questions on the impact of professional, high-quality dayca...