SARA Thavrith
Former Intern
Thavrith is a Master's student at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University. He received a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from the Royal University of Phnom Penh's Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL). Prior to pursuing further education in Japan, he worked as an English instructor at the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) for two years. Aside from that, he worked as a part-time and freelance translator for various companies for over five years since graduating from high school. He is particularly interested in the economics of education, as well as the expansion of education in developing countries, with an emphasis on enhancing the quality of education.

Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Cambodia face many barriers and challenges: poverty and unsustainable livelihoods; stigma and discrimination; limited access to services, information, justice, and education; inaccessibility of physical infrastructure, etc. In addition, there is a lack of mainstreaming of disability into broader policies and plans...

The gender gap in achievement, which refers to the disparity in academic performance between male and female students, has been a subject of interest not only in education research but also in political and economic contexts. The current discourse surrounding the "gender gap" centres on the question as to whether male students truly exhibit lower a...