Edited Books  

Cambodia Education 2015: Employment and Empowerment

Published: 29-Jun-2015
English PDF (140)
Khmer PDF (57)


Improving the education system is one of the most significant challenges facing Cambodia. This study is the result of consultation and collaboration with national executive and legislative institutions, education institutions, development partners and private education providers that form a significant repository of skills, knowledge and experience. It encompasses several main topics: getting to grips with the skill gap; aiming high through higher education; shaping and scaling up TVET; securing secondary education; meeting basic learning needs through primary education; and lifelong learning through preschool and early childhood development.

As Cambodia considers the education of future generations, it must attend to both quality and relevance while remaining forward looking. Investment in systemic education reforms will provide a building block to serve the country’s long-term goals. Cambodia is a nation on the move. Well-informed policy and practice backed by sound research will help it chart a prosperous course for the future.

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