Impact of Climate Change Programs in Cambodia: Vulnerability, Poverty, and Gender

Project Description

Climate change programs have been implemented in the affected countries to reduce the negative impacts and to make the communities resilient to climate change. The Ministry of Rural Development of Cambodia has been running two climate change programs: 1.) Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) - The five-year Mekong River Island Connectivity Project (2016–2020), and 2.) Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) project ‘Climate Proofing Integrated Rural Community Development’ in Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province

Project Objective

The main objectives of this action research are to:

  • To get lessons learnt of two climate change programs on climate change resilience at the community level, and how these programs affect different populations, including vulnerable groups.
  • Generate research evidence that informs the implementation of the new rural development programs (RDP) and rural strategic development programs (RSDP which incorporate climate change, and to make recommendations to improve these documents.

Start Date : 01-Jun-2018
End Date : 31-Dec-2021




International Publications

Challenges of Targeting Poor and Vulnerable Groups to Reduce Climate Change Vulnerability: The Case of a Water and Sanitation Proj...

Policy Briefs 7

Policy Recommendations: Impact of Climate Change Programs in Cambodia: Vulnerability, Poverty, and Gender

Cambodia Development Review 24 - 2

Factors Hindering Successful Benefits Realisation of Cambodia's Climate Change Program

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