10 Nov 202311:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Research Seminar
“I had no education. I had no experience. I had nothing.”: Understanding Non-expert, Citizen-led INGOs through Realist and Relational Lenses
“How do the absent forms of expertise of citizen-led INGO leaders affect their rationales and modes of providing international aid?”
This question will be addressed in our monthly research seminar on Friday 10 November 2023, from 11am to 12pm at CDRI Library and Zoom. This month, we will explore the topic “Understanding Non-expert, Citizen-led INGOs through Realist and Relational Lenses” and will combine realist and relationship approaches to provide the insight on the nature of citizen-led INGOs and contribute to explanations about the democratization of international aid provision beyond the professional realm.
Please check the registration below
- In-person: https://tinyurl.com/4ap5hffp
- Online: https://tinyurl.com/5n92w5ec
We are pleased to have Mr Derek Richardson, CDRI Visiting Fellow and a sociology PhD candidate at Indiana University-Bloomington who will be presenter and Dr Ngin Chanrith, Director of Centre for Natural Resources and Environment, CDRI as the discussant and moderator.
Don't miss out this opportunity to learn more from experts. Register today and we look forward to welcoming you!
Event Material
Agenda :
Presentation :
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