SEAN Chanmony
Research Associate (On Study Leave)
SEAN Chanmony graduated a MSc. in Regional and Rural Development from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Through his strong interest in doing research, he has been working in this field for some non-governmental organisations. Before working in CDRI, he worked as a research assistant involving in various research projects ranging from migration, nutrition, and gender.
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Cambodia has so far had limited direct experience of the pandemic, however, indirect effects have been several – disruption of migration, investment, tourism, garments and regional agricultural and other exports. In 2021 there have also been some movement restrictions. This situation makes Cambodia a natural experiment in the how the impacts of suc...

Over the past two decades, Cambodia has made significant economic progress, with growth being over 7%. The opportunity exists to underpin this progress towards an inclusive and equitable social contract by strengthening social capital, expanding trust among social groups and between groups and the government, establishing and improving access to pa...

Since the end of the war, Cambodia has undergone significant social, economic and demographic change as well as governance reform. In 2002, the first local elections of the post-war era elected local government councils. This study repeats an ethnographic study previously conducted by CDRI in some Cambodian communes in 2007, to establish how leader...

Women’s participation in politics has been an issue that remains to be addressed in order to achieve gender equality around the world. In Asia, while important progress has been made towards gender equality and where women are key and welcomed participants in the market, the political realm remain stubbornly male dominated and only 19.7 percent of...

In this context of promoting Cambodia’s Sustainable Development Goals and aid effectiveness, and with the aim to inform the preparation of the next Joint European Strategy 2020-2024, European partners in Cambodia agreed to conduct an analysis on European and Chinese development cooperation portfolio in Cambodia. The study is to give an overview of...