KIM Visy
Former Associated Research Assistant
Visy is a dual degree graduate majoring in Chemical Engineering and Food Science at the Department of Food Science and Technology - Institute of Technology of Cambodia’s Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, and International Relations at Department of International studies - Royal University of Phnom Penh’s Institute of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is a fresh graduate that currently completed one-year full-time Certificate Program in International Economics, at the Department of International Studies. Before joining CDRI, he worked as a project leader under the support from UNESCO to promote the inclusiveness of Khmer Traditional Dance and Culture, and mainly contributed to Cambodian next generation. Connecting to his research interest, Visy has interest in the fields of International Development Economics, Trade and Regional Cooperation, Industrial Policy, Gender Equality and sensitivity mainly in developing countries, and Inclusive Growth.
Email : innovation and entrepreneurial activities have multiplied recently, with many new companies emerging in various industries. However, start-ups face many challenges, such as access to talent, idea, markets, and funding. Creating new idea or launching business is essential to have partners that can stimulate their thoughts and elevate both ca...