Dr CHOU Phanith
External Researcher
Dr CHOU Phanith is the Environmental Economist. He is a senior lecturer & researcher at, the Royal University of Phnom Penh, and also the technical advisor at the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Royal University of Agriculture. Phanith has strong professional background and experiences for more than 13 years in conducting research on ecosystem services assessment, environmental impact assessment, training, providing recommendations for policy development, implementing numerous projects, supervising Master and PhD students, and supporting development in Cambodia. Presently, he is doing research and consultation on ecosystem services valuation, natural resource management, REDD+, agroecology for climate change adaptation and mitigation, and agroecology market development.

CDRI research team works together with national universities, governmental institutions and NGO/CSOs in both Cambodia and Lao PDR to develop a research proposal applying for EXPLORE Research grant on forest landscape governance. The proposed research title is “Co-adaptive forest management through climate-smart technology and communal social capit...