The noticeable rise in foreign direct investment (FDI) in
agricultural land in developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and
Latin America in recent years has sparked concerns among civil society groups
and international organisations as to the potential impacts on poor local
communities’ access to resources. Growing interest from foreign investors in agriculture
in Cambodia, particularly in agro-industrial crops like rubber, cassava,
sugarcane and maize, has likewise raised concern about the potential effects of
such investments on community livelihoods, the environment and national food
Agriculture has traditionally been a steady contributor to the
national economy, employing a significant proportion of the rural workforce and
generating substantial foreign exchange earnings. Now in its fourth
legislature, the Cambodian government is focussing even more strongly on
promoting the sector by relaxing taxes related to agricultural products and developing
rural infrastructure such as roads and irrigation. New measures have been taken
to help people in local communities, including the removal of big fishing lots
from private ownership which allows local communities better access to fishery
resources without having to fish in deeper waters or further from the
The government has also undertaken forestry reform to facilitate
investment in forestry and crops through the establishment of legislation on
concessions, forestry community formation and environmental protection. The
Sub-decree on Economic Land Concessions (ELC), adopted in 2005, helps in the
granting of land concessions to foreign and local investors to exploit unused
and/or infertile land.
Laws relating to sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues and animal
health have been enacted to control livestock production, prevent losses and
contain disease. Through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
(MAFF), the government recently prohibited the import of livestock from
neighbouring countries to prevent the spread of swine flu and reduce the risk
of animal disease pandemics.
Meanwhile, the government, with the support of development
partners, has provided technical assistance to rural people engaged in rice
farming, fisheries (aquaculture) and livestock production. It has also renewed
efforts to improve the irrigation system so as to reduce farmers’ dependency on
rain, particularly in rice production, and bolster resilience to climate
As the agriculture sector is one of the main drivers of economic
growth in Cambodia, a market mechanism has been set up to promote trade and
channel agricultural products to local and international markets. To help the
sector become more competitive, soft infrastructure related to rules and
regulations, bureaucratic procedures and costs of doing business has been improved.
Attracting investment in the energy sector is also deemed important, as the
price of electricity in Cambodia is still high compared to other countries in
the region.
The share of agricultural investment in total investment is small,
averaging around 6 percent between 2000 and June 2010, despite the growing
interest during this period from investors from countries such as Thailand,
China, Vietnam, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, America, India,
France, the UK, the USA and Denmark. Investors engage mainly in crops, namely
rubber, cassava, maize, sugarcane and cashew nuts, and forestry, such as teak and
acacia. The dramatic rise in interest in recent years has triggered concern
from various stakeholders as to the potential effects of foreign ELC
projects on community livelihoods, local environment quality and national food
Preliminary examination using data from the Council for the
Development of Cambodia (CDC) and MAFF shows both positive and adverse effects
from FDI projects. Some projects have created significant employment for local
communities; others, however, have not. Notably, land conflict resulting from a
weak land tenure system and limited consultation with local communities prior
to the granting of ELC projects has become commonplace. Moreover, some projects
that entail forest clearance have eliminated vital sources of traditional
community environmental income from the collection of non-timber forest
products, such as vines, wood resin, bamboo and rattan, and hunting.
Furthermore, the filling in of streams by some ELC companies could lead to
water shortages. Overall, from the investigation of the selected projects it
appears that costs of FDI projects tend to outweigh the benefits.
With a rapidly expanding population and increasingly limited land,
food security is another cause behind the growing concern in Cambodia. From our
analysis of CDC (2000–09) and MAFF (1995-09) data on ELC investments and
preliminary fieldwork on a number of FDI projects, and despite the traditional
widespread informal paddy rice export to Thailand and Vietnam, we find that
Cambodia will not suffer from food insecurity in the short and medium term.
Nevertheless, in the long term, land use conflicts, water shortages and
disappearing income sources compounded by the dramatic expansion in ELC
investment in recent years could lead to a decline in household food
consumption and a reduction in nutrition. Particularly at risk are subsistence
farming households and those that cannot earn enough from growing rice, such as
in Kraya commune in Kompong Thom province.