Managing Water Scarcity in the Mekong Region – Cambodia Water Scarcity Profile

The Cambodia water scarcity profile is a stock-taking exercise designed to understand what water scarcity challenges exist in the country and what is the current approach of government to managing water scarcity. The focus is on understanding the policy instruments available and how effective planning and management measures have been in addressing water scarcity issues.
Project Objective
The objectives of the assignment are:
- Characterise the nature and extent of water scarcity experienced by Cambodia and describe trends over time in the severity and impact of water scarcity on agricultural and rural systems and the implication for food and water security
- Document the existing policy instruments and government approach to managing water scarcity, including policies, plans, regulations, projects and initiatives
- Assess the performance and effectiveness of water scarcity management in Cambodia
Project Members

Challenges of Rural Livelihoods in the Context of Climate Change
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