CDRI Publications Catalog 2023
1. Cambodia Development Review2. Flagship Publications3. Working Paper Series4. Special/Research Reports5. Greater Mekong Subregion Series6. Conference Papers7. Other Publications8. Policy and Outlook Briefs
How the Pandemic Affected the People Who Make Our Clothes
The garment industry in developing countries suffered huge disruptions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, with economic and social consequences that continue today. In addition to the direct effect of lockdowns, which decreased exports, the industry was severely impacted by its reliance on global imports of fabrics, raw materials and accessori...
Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS)-Cambodia Book Brief
This Book Brief is a compilation of findings from studies in the LIBROS-Cambodia Project. It provides overall pictures of the primary-level book supply chain situation in Cambodia and Track and Trace (TnT) system, which is now the Core Textbook Supply Management System in Cambodia.
Research Project Development and Management – A handbook
PrefaceThe reputation of CDRI, Cambodia’s leading independent development policy research institute, stands or falls on the quality and relevance of its research—its design, implementation, analysis, presentation and communication. I am pleased to introduce this new publication Research Project Development and Management—A Handbook, which has been...
Cambodia Land Titling Urban Baseline Survey Report
1. IntroductionThe Ministry of Land Management, Urban Construction and Planning (MLMUPC) is implementing a land management and administration project (LMAP) with support from international donors in order to strengthen land tenure security and land administration systems in Cambodia. Among other activities, LMAP is undertaking a systematic land-tit...
Cambodia Land Titling Rural Baseline Survey Report
Summary Landholding size and the gender of the household head tend to be a good predictors of labour, assets, and income, and provide a good indication of a household’s potential capacity to benefit from land titling programs. We therefore predict that households with larger landholdings are in a more favourable position to benefit from LMAP’s syst...
Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in Community Well-Being and Household Mobility in Nine Cambodian Villages
ForewordCDRI is pleased to present the report of the Moving Out of Poverty Study (MOPS), a major study conducted in partnership with the World Bank. MOPS is the first longitudinal, contextual, mixed-methods study on poverty dynamics conducted in Cambodia. The CDRI-World Bank Cambodia study was designed and commissioned initially as part of the Worl...
“We Are Living with Worry All the Time” A Participatory Poverty Assessment of the Tonle Sap
Executive SummaryThe Participatory Poverty Assessment of the Tonle Sap (PPA) has been undertaken by CDRI in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The study employed qualitative research methods covering 24 villages in the six provinces around the Tonle Sap Lake. The main objective of the...
The Challenges of Decentralisation Design in Cambodia
Cambodia embarked on its decentralisation reform with the enactment of two laws in 2001, the Law on the Administration and Management of Communes and the Law on Commune Elections. In 2002 Cambodia held its first free and fair commune elections. The decentralisation builds extensively on the lessons learned through the CARERE/Seila programmes, which...