Centre for Natural Resources and Environment

The Centre for Natural Resources and Environment (CNRE) conducts policy-oriented and academic researches, focusing on climate change, resource governance, energy, and environmental sustainability. The centre generates evidence-based knowledge through rigorous researches using various methods including integrated modelling techniques, social-ecological system analyses, economic experiments, surveys and in-depth qualitative analysis. The research findings are shared widely among local and international partners, practitioners, and policy makers through publications, policy dialogues, and dissemination workshops. Our researches provide reliable information and scientific evidence for decision makers to make relevant policies, especially contributing to the Royal Government of Cambodia’s rectangle strategies on Angle 4: inclusive sustainable development, sustainable management of natural resources and culture, ensuring environmental sustainability, and primitive response to climate change.

Agricultural Technological Practices and Gaps for Climate Change Adaptation

Agriculture plays an important role in sustaining rural livelihoods. Eighty-three percent of rural people are engaged in agriculture (NIS and MAFF 2014). An emerging problem facing agriculture is climate change. The anticipated impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture include changes in rainfall patterns, higher temperatures, increased frequency and intensity of flood and droug...

Methods and Tools Applied for Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Basin

 Cambodia is highly susceptible to natural disasters due to the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, primarily floods, droughts and windstorms, but also in particular to increased climate variability.These disasters and climate-related hazardshave exacted huge socioeconomic costs on the country’s economy and people’s livelihoods, especially in the last decade. It isimporta...

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Methods and Tools Applied in Cambodia

This short paper examines existing methods and tools used to understand climate change impacts, local vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities, with a focus on water governance and water use, in three target areas in the Tonle Sap Basin. Assessment of the effects of climate change requires an integrated framework approach. That framework is made up of (1) country climate data downscaled to catchmen...

Adaptation Capacity of Rural People in the Main Agro-Ecological Zones in Cambodia

Cambodia is divided into four agro-ecological zones—the Tonle Sap plain, Mekong plain, mountains/plateau and coast—representing heterogeneous agricultural activity, population and livelihood systems (UNDP 2011b). Climate change impacts and the adaptive capacity of the people differ from one zone to another. Adaptation measures have varied according to the sector and the locality, adaptive capacity...

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