To address the vulnerability to floods of five Mekong islands in Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum provinces, the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) implemented the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) – The Five-Year Mekong River Island Connectivity Project (2016–2020) in Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum provinces. This program involved the construction of concrete roads, installation of solar-powered irrigation pumps, restoration of farm ponds, provision of latrines, and diversification of income sources. Figures 1 and 2 show the locations of the project sites and a new concrete road. The road project has had a clear impact on the lives of the target beneficiaries. It contributed to increases in household income, broader income-generation opportunities, and better access to public services including health and education. This policy brief draws on the findings of a three-year research study to determine which planned project benefits have been achieved and to recommend follow-up action to improve similar programs in the future.