Improving the Business Environment in Cambodia

In 2020, Cambodia experienced a negative growth rate for the first time in two decades. As a country susceptible to small changes in the global economy, it grew increasingly obvious that Cambodian businesses need a more solid foundation to grow and diversify. Most businesses in Cambodia are small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but they significantly...

Deepening Inclusive Water Diplomacy Through Water Data Sharing on the Mekong-Lancang River

In the Mekong-Lancang basin, intergovernmental scientific water data sharing has progressively expanded between governments since the early 1990s as an outcome of water diplomacy efforts. Much of this scientific water data has been made public via online platforms.Water data underpins water diplomacy, including through trust building an...

Types and Implementation of Social Assistance under the Context of COVID-19: A Case of Garment and Textile Manufacturing in Cambodia

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted most aspects of socioeconomic development, with the garment, manufacturing and textile industry being no exception. Decreased demand for orders has led to factory closures, and workers being suspended or laid off. The empirical evidence in this policy brief captures the impact of COVID-19 on the livelihoods of 20...

MONY Reach   (2022)

The Effectiveness of COVID-19 Social Protection in Cambodia: Perspective and Experience from Female Garment Workers on the Wage Subsidy

COVID-19 has heavily affected Cambodian female garment workers’ economic security and personal well-being. The impacts are on employment, household income and expenditures, mental and physical health, remittances, investment, and savings. Recognizing this as a threat, the Royal Government of Cambodia has rolled out a new measure of temporary wage s...

Policy Recommendations: Impact of Climate Change Programs in Cambodia: Vulnerability, Poverty, and Gender

To address the vulnerability to floods of five Mekong islands in Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum provinces, the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) implemented the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) – The Five-Year Mekong River Island Connectivity Project (2016–2020) in Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum provinces. This program involved the c...